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Plumbing Code!

What Makes the Massachusetts Plumbing Code So Great? It's Our Own
The Massachusetts Plumbing Code is something to be proud of. The current version was first promulgated in 1965. It is written and updated by Massachusetts Licensed Plumbers who have expertise in the industry and emerging technologies. The updated Massachusetts Uniform State Plumbing Code 248 CMR 10.00 was recently adopted with an effective date of December 8, 2023.
Our code is written to clearly match the jurisdiction of our license. Our process to update and amend our code is open and transparent, and special interests cannot — and do not — dominate our code changes. Our state Plumbing Board safeguards our code and has a long history of maintaining the highest professional standards.
The Massachusetts Plumbing Code provides extensive requirements for piping and treatment of special hazardous wastes to serve the Massachusetts biotech, research and pharmaceutical industries. It is harmonized with other MA regulations, state agencies and authorities, including:
- MA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
- MA Department of Public Health (DPH)
- MA Water Resources Authority (MWRA)
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
- Pipefitters 528 CMR
- Boiler Rules 522 CMR
Plumbing Code Concerns
248 CMR 10.00, the Massachusetts Plumbing Code, is one of the few remaining state authored plumbing codes in the country. It’s important for every plumber to have a voice and show support for the Board and their continued choice to use and maintain 248 CMR 10.00, the finest plumbing code in the country.
There are also three published national plumbing codes. The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) offers the Uniform Plumbing Code and the National Standard Plumbing Code, also known as the New Jersey Plumbing Code. IAPMO has always supported the Plumbing Board and the plumbing industry in Massachusetts and continues to support the use of 248 CMR 10.00.
However, other organizations may be more interested in having a different plumbing code adopted in Massachusetts, whether the industry supports it or not. As an example, the State of New Jersey was recently preparing to update to the 2021 National Standard Plumbing Code when they were pressured to review and consider a different national plumbing code. This potential code change was not supported by anyone in the New Jersey plumbing industry and New Jersey plumbers were forced to fight to save the code they have used since 1977.
Don’t let what almost happened in New Jersey happen in Massachusetts!

Massachusetts State House | Room 428
March 28, 2024 | 9:30 – 3:30
IAPMO Joins Massachusetts Plumbing Industry at State House Event to Protect Homegrown Code, Support Other Industry Issues
IAPMO joined nearly 200 licensed union and non-union plumbers, contractors, inspectors, PHCC and GBPCA members, and other industry leaders at the Massachusetts State House on April 27, 2023 to advocate before state legislators for the protection of the state’s plumbing code, partnering on green energy and other key safety and regulatory issues. Representing IAPMO were Peter Kelly, director of Field Services; Hugh Kelleher, former executive director of the Greater Boston Plumbing Contractors Association; Mike Morris, partner at Tremont Strategies Group; Peter DeFreitas, director of New England Training and Education; and Jim Scarborough, director of Government Relations. Representatives from UA Locals 12, 51, 4 and 104, including Local 12’s entire class of apprentices, also participated. Participants then dispersed throughout the Capitol to conduct literature drops in every legislative office and visit the offices of their own state senators and representatives. Addressing the group was Representative Tacky Chan (D-2nd- Norfolk) who stressed how important it is for people to share with legislators their thoughts about issues if they want them to make better informed votes on those issues. The group also met with representatives from the Division of Occupational Licensure.
supporting partners
Supporters: Berkshire County Plumbing and Gas Inspectors Association; Bristol County Plumbing and Gas Inspectors Association; Cape Cod Plumbing and Gasfitting Association; Central MA Plumbing and Gasfitters Association; F.W. Webb Company; Ferguson Supply; Franklin County Master Plumbers Association; Greater Boston Plumbing Contractors Association; Hampden County Plumbing and Gas Inspectors Association; Massachusetts Plumbers Continuing Education Services; Metrowest Plumbing and Gas Inspectors Association; New England Plumbing, Gas and Mechanical Inspectors Association; Northeastern MA Plumbing and Gas Inspectors Association; The Plumbing Academy, Inc; Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Contractors of Massachusetts; Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 4; Plumbers and Gasfitters UA Local 12 Boston; Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 51; Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 104; Plumbers’ Supply Company; Quinlan & Kennedy; Republic Plumbing Supply; South Shore Plumbing and Gas Inspectors Association; Supply New England; International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAPMO)